Social Media

USD $10,199.00

Attention to Conversation

Trend Analysis

Brand Expansion

Contests and Promotions

Price per Year

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We are experts in developing strategies for digital business.

In the digital era, we have focused our efforts in generating strategies for digital business, which will make us your perfect ally for the evolution of your marketing department.

We understand the needs of the different commercial activities of the different sectors of a country’s economy such as: real estate, mass consumption, legal, hotel, various services, entertainment, among others, in terms of B2B and B2C.

We work in different stages, ranging from analysis, development of objectives and measurement of KPIs. Not to mention that we customize the strategy for each company according to the business objectives, where we measure each action during the process.

Our main services are:

  • Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Pinterest, Tripadvisor management. And Community management.
  • Mailing
  • Digital advertising, SEM and SEO
  • Content creation
  • 1 Year